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:: Aims and Scopes ::

Aim AND Scopes     

One of the most important criteria used to assess the countries is their health and welfare system. In such system social work is of great importance and plays a crucial role in planning and service providing. In this regard, emphasis on elevation of the knowledge and expansion of the profession could have a significant impact on the success of the welfare system and social health of the society. Social work as a profession has a history of over 50 years in Iran. It is being taught in universities at BA, MA and Ph.D levels and many of the graduates are actively providing professional services in public and private sectors. Nowadays, increasing growth of this profession and special attention of the institutions which are enjoying such services vastly or are founded based on social work services brings up the issue of sharing the scientific and domestic methods of social work more than ever. Quarterly publication of social work scientific periodical could have a great impact on developing social work science, preventing low-effect reproduction of professional services, providing scientific and structured experiences of social workers and drawing professional borders between social work and other supportive professions.

1. Sharing domestic/local knowledge with other social workers 
2. Elevating the knowledge level of the social work graduates 
3. Paving the path to develop and expand scientific researches in social work 
4. Offering documentaries and research-based suggestions for future social planning and policy making
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Quarterly Journal of Social Work
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