Quarterly Journal of Social Work- About the Journal
About the journal

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About the journal

Welfare and health systems of the societies are two of the most important criteria to assess countries and compare them with each other. The social work profession has a significant role inpolicy making, planning, and delivering social and welfare services. Hence, it is obvious that improving the science and practice of the profession would have a great influence on welfare and health systems of the country.

The social work profession has arrived to Iran 50 years ago, and currently universities and governments offer BSc, MSc and PhD degrees for this field of study. Private institutions also use social workers to plan and deliver their services.

The growing future of this field in Iran makes it necessary to develop and share scientific and local research and studies. Publishing “Journal of Social Work”quarterly would have a great impact on developing the scientific and practical dimension of the profession, systematizing and structuring the social workers experiments, and maintaining professional boundaries between the social work and other related professions.

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