1- University of Tehran 2- Department of Educational Psychology, University of Tehran , hajhosseini@ut.ac.ir
Abstract: (692 Views)
Introduction: School, as an educational environment, facilitates academic, social, and emotional interactions. This study aims to examine the impact of academic experience on students' hopeful attitudes under welfare supervision.
Methods: The research utilized a qualitative approach and a phenomenological method. An in-depth study was conducted without any interference by the researcher. The study involved sixteen students, aged eight to fourteen, from the Hanan Care Center, selected through purposive sampling. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews, continuing until saturation. The data was classified and processed using the Strauss-Glasser approach. Findings were categorized into three dimensions: academic experience and attitude toward school, academic experience and hope for the future, and lived experience and hope for the future.
Results: The results indicate the significant role of schools in fostering a positive attitude towards education and future employment. Education serves as a motivation for progress and is viewed as a crucial factor in obtaining a job and social status. Interaction with teachers and peers, as well as gaining independence for the future, are important aspects of students' attitudes. Under the guidance of support services, the school provides a social opportunity for students to make friends.
Conclusions: Educational interactions with teachers can foster emotional belonging in students. The school experience is viewed as a way to attain goals and aspirations and compensate for life's shortcomings.
Emadizadeh M, Hajhosseini M. School Experience and Hope in Welfare-Supervised Students: A Qualitative Study. Socialworkmag 2023; 12 (3) :17-29 URL: http://socialworkmag.ir/article-1-769-en.html